Friday, April 20, 2012

Hello :)

So, I stumbled across my blog on my phone the other day while I was waiting in the car for J. I thought it was really cool going back and seeing pics of the kids and reading about what we were doing back then. I decided that I wanted to blog again because it is like keeping a diary, a way to chronicle this time AND 'this time' is going by so very fast. I just wish I could freeze it, but I can't. My kids are getting bigger and I am getting older and there is NO stopping it! To catch us up. We bought a house. An older home - not super old but 23yrs.old. It's in an area I've always liked and I just love it! We have been remodeling it. We floored in a two story great room to create an upstairs game room, added a small bedroom, and a bunch of other things here and there. We are still working on it and hopefully will finish it up this summer. It's been a big year of volleyball and more volleyball. C started playing middle school VBall on a homeschool team and I was able to coach her team. She played her first season of club volleyball and I coached an older team. E played tackle football and decided that he doesn't think he likes it. He also played basketball and decided he loved that sport! (I prefer basketball to tackle football) E & C changed curriculumn and did Abeka Academy on DVD- so my teaching duties were greatly reduced this year. R went to public school. We decided each child should do a year of public. The twins did 2nd and R is doing 3rd. She is a stellar student, pulling high A's on every report card. I dont think we will do 3rd again with lil'c though. The testing just makes for a lame year. Lil'c is growing up way too fast. She likes to act like she is 13 or something. She has been the one child that has done everything my other kids never did at her age. I just LOVE her so much though. I am SO glad she is in our lives. Without her I think I would really be missing when the kids were small. I get to enjoy those amazing, funny, super cute years like never before and one more time because of her. She is smart, funny and beautiful! J & I are doing great! Marriage can be tough, but I have found this year to be the sweetest. We seem to be getting to a place where we understand what make eachother tic and what tics eachother off...HA ;)!(So we try to avoid the latter!) It only took 12 years. We also got a dog. A loveable Golden we named Max. He is a great addition to our family and the kids LOVE him. Oh,I also must mention that I finally got a tornado shelter - FEMA gave Tarrant Co a grant to help pay for residential storm shelters- so I was all over that rebate! (those of you who know me best, know how much that means to me) So, when those tornados hit N.Texas a few weeks back, we were tucked away in our shelter. Well, I think that pretty much sums it up! We are now wrapping up the school year and getting ready for summer fun!

Sunday, January 2, 2011


Happy New Year!! Merry Christmas!! Happy Thanksgiving!! etc..etc...

Been forever since I have been on this Blog. I actually forgot about it. Face book happened and then well..that's that. My husband mentioned my blog the other day. Apparently I did have a follower ;). Anyhow, maybe I will pick this blogging thing back up.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Long Time..

Been a long time since I have updated this, since I am bored, I thought "tonight" would be good. Part of the reason it has been so long is because my camera broke and I didn't have everything I needed for my new camera to upload pictures & it takes so long to do it from my phone. I finally purchased a card reader so I can now upload pics again (after J hooks it up for me).
Life's been good..busy. I have been working out a lot - it has become a sort of hobby, I think? If that can be a hobby :). I try to go to the gym at least 4 times a week, sometimes 5. I feel really bad if I don't make it, (maybe it has become an addiction?) j/k. I truly just think I need that sort of outlet for myself right now. Nothing beats a good kick in the rear at the gym! I am getting bored w/ my cardio. Still LOVE spin though. I really would love to go outside & just go for run. I think this summer may just be the summer I finally get my knee surgery. I really need to just suck it up and do it. I really wish I had a workout partner..but then again, it'd probably take me longer to workout.
The kids are doing wonderful. E & C are in college for kids, this is their last week. It has been a good experience for them. They have really enjoyed it and we will definitely go again next year. R & lil'c are doing great and so is J.
Hmm... That's about it for now - oh, I am about to be 35...yikes..35!!!!! I used to always say my thirties were going to rock, but now that I am here, I want my twenties back? I should just enjoy these thirties I suppose, because before I know it, the forties will be here! Where did the time go? when did I get so old? I think I am done after this birthday, thank-you :)

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

R's Birthday

I didn't post pictures of R's birthday and wanted to before I posted pic's for the twins. It was a great time; I love my little R, she is such a cutie 'pa'tutie! We went skating - always fun & such good exercise! For her, I stayed up all night working on a horse cake. She was quite pleased with they way it turned out, I am so glad! It turned out good for someone who had no idea what they were doing and decided to start at 10pm the night before! I am a nut- but I will do anything for my kids and I loved being able to do that for her. So, she is seven and beautiful and has such a sensitive, deep little soul. I have learned a lot from her and just love her so much. We are very blessed to have her in our family. She is my "Reesie Baby" and will always be that to me.

She is shy like me & gets embarrassed easily.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

And that is what it was like the first year of their precious little just kidding! 10! Holy Macaroni - am I THAT old? Two 10yr olds. What an amazing, crazy time it has been. The twins are ten tomorrow and that day, along w/ the one that followed, will be etched in my memory forever. I am so proud of them! They both decided to sleep in the same room for their birthday week, stressed about the right present to get each other and have been singing "you said it's your's my birthday too!" all week. Of course they made up their own version for the days leading up to it, telling everyone 'they' can actually truthfully sing that song :). I have their birthday breakfast ready, they get so excited planning their breakfast in bed and each year it seems to get more elaborate! It's great though and we have been doing it since they were 3, I just wish I had taken pictures of every single one..that would be cool to look back at. We have a fun evening planned at Medieval Times with all the grandparents going (minus my dad, wish he lived closer). They are so excited they can barely contain themselves!

Our little Family on E & C's 1st Birthday!
(don't we look exhausted, that first year was really just surviving! :) )

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

A Day With C

C is turning 10 this weekend, she is growing up way too fast! Today we spent the day together talking about grown-up girl things..I can't believe my daughter is getting so big! We enjoyed a wonderful lunch at Cheesecake Factory and then strolled over to Barnes and Noble where we purchased a book I'd been eyeing. An American Girl Book for young girls on growing up. (which I give 2 thumbs up to!) Then we went and got a big girl hair cut (which for C consisted of layers and side bangs). After that, we sat near the pond at Bear Creek Park and fed the ducks. That park has some of the most beautiful and interesting ducks I have ever seen. I definitely will being going back with my camera one day. Anyhow, as we sat on the ground feeding them we had a goose hiss in our faces, we both jumped up so fast and got out of his way! It was a good laugh :). Then we sat on a bench and talked, & talked. It was a wonderful conversation. We wrapped up the day with a trip to the nail salon where she picked out a pretty shade of blue to have her fingers & toes painted. Blue..she really wanted red, but call me old fashioned, I do not like red for little girls and she is still my little girl and I'd like to keep her that way...but what a truly remarkable young lady she is growing up to be.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

My Wonderful Husband

I just have to say, I am married to an amazing man, who really loves me! It is so nice to be married to a man who can look at you, w/ your crazy bed hair, tired eyes, un-made face (not that I ever wear that much make-up), mixed matched p.j.'s and find you beautiful. How is it that he is able to say those words to me and really, truly mean them? I don't mean that like it came out, I mean it know, you are with the same person for the last 12 or so years and for him to be able to look at me and actually make me feel prettier than when I was younger, is really a great thing.
It is especially nice because I don't get out that much or get to put myself together and feel like a beautiful woman. I feel most often like a frumpy, home schooling mommy, that barely has time to herself.
It is just an awesome feeling, to know he feels that way about me. It is enough to make a girls heart soar and I love him for being able to make me feel like that.